Category: Wied il-Bassasa

  • Exposed to the blazing sun in Wied il-Bassasa!

    Exposed to the blazing sun in Wied il-Bassasa!

    What started out as a rather hazy and overcast morning soon changed into a clear and sunny day last Sunday, and the il-Minkba crag of Wied il-Bassasa received more than its fair share of sunshine. Situated on a spacious ledge halfway down the cliffs to the east of Wied iż-Żurrieq, Wied il-Bassassa is well off…

  • New trad route “Lupin” HVS 5a at Wied il-Bassasa

    New trad route “Lupin” HVS 5a at Wied il-Bassasa

    Start as for “Unnamed” but follow the ramp and weakness R up to half height. From here step L and up the widening crack leading to the top. Micros mandatory! 22m, 1-star. Led by Kurt Caligari on 9th January 2011.

  • New trad route Giswalda E1 5b at Wied il-Bassasa

    New trad route Giswalda E1 5b at Wied il-Bassasa

    Start 3m L of “Goliath” on the steep, crinkly, rust coloured wall. Climb directly up, then R onto the wide, sloping ledge and up the impending wall to the recess. From here climb the arête on the L, slightly R up the wall to the final ledge and scoop. Move L to take the overhang…