Category: Victoria Lines

  • New route in Crucifix Cave!

    New route in Crucifix Cave!

    It’s a new line, quite long and very overhanging, smack in the middle of Crucifix Cave. We tried to weave the line through the best portions of rock, but the route is new and the rock fractured in spots, so please wear helmets if you try it and also if you belay someone on it!…

  • And the Trump-ing does not stop there!

    And the Trump-ing does not stop there!

    Wrong! Some brave merry men went to Crux Cave and, through some daredevil trad climbing on rotten rock and some absolutely preposterous top-rope swings, found a very cool new line, shown in the picture here below. Not bolted yet, but already named, if my merry mates agree: “Trump-ing chaos” 🙂

  • New Bolting Activity

    New Bolting Activity

    For the fun of anyone who likes mid-grades (around 6a) ðŸ™‚Climb carefully, as this crag has a pattern of falling things (last thing that fell today was a pliers!), so wear a helmet at the base and also while climbing. Also some rocks may fall while the crag gets more traffic… a big one is at…

  • Two new routes at Crucifix Cave & top anchors on Monolith Buttress!

    Roland led his new sport route clean, which he still has to name. This is an excellent line, about 23m in height that Roland and I had spotted and top-roped a couple of weeks ago, then bolted over two sessions. It starts on the right side of the column of Encore just before the second…

  • The MRCC gang clean Monolith Buttress!

    The MRCC gang clean Monolith Buttress!

    This crag has excellent beginner routes but was rarely climbed because of the rubbish and because it was a trad lead to make anchors at the top. A team of MRCC members met up and spent a few hours clearing away rubbish at the foot of the crag and especially the whole area to the…

  • Monthly event attracts good turnout

    Monthly event attracts good turnout

    As Spring brought its rewarding share of bright sunny days, the MRCC organised its monthly open event in the Crazy Horse area of the Victoria lines. This area is not only easily accessible, but has various short routes which may look less intimidating for beginners, yet still offer their share of challenges. As usual, the…