Category: Fomm ir-Rih

  • More access work, this time at Fomm ir-Riħ

    More access work, this time at Fomm ir-Riħ

    I have spent another beautiful sunny day improving installations at two excellent crags in the Fomm ir-Riħ area: Glass Wall and Spezz Wall. As was notified earlier this year, some vandal damaged the abseil point at the top of Spezz Corner E2 5b on Spezz Wall. I have now replaced this with a proper 2-chain…

  • A day out in the wilderness at Fomm ir-Rih

    A day out in the wilderness at Fomm ir-Rih

    Except for the occasional solitary fisherman, few people venture out onto the edge of the cliffs at Fomm ir-Rih, which overlook the open sea and the island of Gozo to the right. Last Sunday, a few MRCC members picked this place for their weekly climbing fix. They headed to Ras ir-Raheb, starting on Spezz Wall,…