Category: Mgarr ix-Xini

  • Sister island always has a lot to offer!

    Sister island always has a lot to offer!

    The MRCC planned another trip to Gozo last Thursday, and headed to Mġarr ix-Xini to tackle the tougher Champage Wall section. A lot of the routes in this area are fully bolted, and range from 5 c to 7a+. Duncan, Marina and Miriam started out on one of the ‘easier’ routes in the area, Rubber…

  • More bolting work in Mġarr ix-Xini

    During last Thursday’s climbing event in Mġarr ix-Xini in Gozo, the MRCC also had work to do on improving the bolting in the Champagne Walls area. After having enjoyed the excellent climbing in this stunning location, Andrew, Roland, Kurt and Duncan put some extra effort into making this area safer. Three first bolts, one resin,…

  • Gozo Climbing a Success Despite Unstable Weather

    Gozo Climbing a Success Despite Unstable Weather

    The much-awaited climbing event on our sister island last Saturday turned out to be quite a success for beginner and experienced climbers alike, as the cragging at Flakeout Walls in Mġarr ix-Xini kept everyone occupied for the day! The group of 10 people set off early in the morning to make the most of their…

  • MTA/MRCC joint bolting project

    The initial phase of this bolting project has now been completed, creating Malta’s first Two Kletter Gardens allowing even more climbers to enjoy the joys of sport routes safely.