Category: Wied Babu

  • Nuntio vobis, magnum gaudium, new routes!

    Nuntio vobis, magnum gaudium, new routes!

    From left to right, there is “Cat Thief” (6c+?), “Rock Salt” (6a+?), “Cat Burglar” (6c? Was given nearer 7a when trad) and finally “L-Aqwa Klajm” (6b?). The question marks in the grades are normal, until they receive more ascents. “Rock Salt” converges in the last moves and anchor into an existing bolted route, “Call Out…

  • More New Routing Activity by the MRCC

    More New Routing Activity by the MRCC

    The MRCC has been active in installing more new routes for everyone to enjoy, the latest additions being one new route at Rdum Rxawn in Mistra and two and a half new lines at Babu West. The first route is a parting gift from The Three Wise Men. Before leaving the island they wanted very…

  • Wied Babu MRCC club meet.

    Wied Babu MRCC club meet.

    MRCC is meeting at Wied Babu 19 June at 17:30 for beginners and club members. Hope to see you there…

  • Beginners session and bbq at Wied Babu…

    Beginners session and bbq at Wied Babu…

    A great turnout of beginners, lots of new faces and everyone tried their best to get up some quite tricky routes and pushed to their limits! Accompanied by music and a bbq to round off a sunny and wonderful day out.

  • Another day of work & play at Red Wall

    Another day of work & play at Red Wall

    The traverse pitch of Freebird 6b was today rebolted with seawater series bolts to hopefully make it safe for a long time to come. As had been agreed during the meeting we held at my office about the safety of bolts close to the sea after the stress corrosion cracking incident, today Antoine, Roland and…

  • Freebird is back in business!

    Freebird is back in business!

    After two visits to Wall of Wonders in full bolting kit, with one visit ending in a jumar ascent out of the wall in pitch darkness, I am happy to say that Freebird 6b is back in business. Most of the bolts between the first stance and the end of pitch two have been backed…