Category: Thaiwand Walls

  • 2012 starts with a Flash and a Bang!

    2012 starts with a Flash and a Bang!

    Sunday saw the MRCC’s 2012 program of activities begin with a Flash and a Bang, resulting in two new sports lines being led in the Thaiwand Walls area. Roland Sultana led his new line and called it Flash Matt in honour of his son Matthias, and the fact that he flashed the 6b route. Andrew…

  • Of Overhangs and Tufas – back to Thaiwand Walls

    Of Overhangs and Tufas – back to Thaiwand Walls

    On a sheltered ledge half way down the cliffs that run east of Zurrieq, are some of the tallest and most challenging single pitch routes on the islands, known among climbers as Thaiwand Walls. This was our destination for last Sunday’s climbing, as a small party of us abseiled down to tackle its excellent overhanging…

  • Thaiwand walls revisited

    Thaiwand walls revisited

    A handful of MRCC members made their way down to the overhanging crags of Thaiwand Walls last Sunday, some with unfinished business to attend to. This was the 2nd visit to the location in less than two weeks for Andrew, Marina and Miriam, as the girls were determined to make further progress on Lord of…

  • A quick escape to Thaiwand Walls

    A quick escape to Thaiwand Walls

    On Good Friday, despite ominous weather in the morning, four climbers braved the threatening skies and made it into the overhanging and forbidding crags of Thaiwand Walls, to spend an afternoon away from the usual hustle and bustle of the more popular crags. It was the first experience of this much talked about (in hushed…