Category: Wied Babu

  • Hiding from the sun in Babu East

    Hiding from the sun in Babu East

    As the weather is getting warmer each and every day, only a few climbing enthusiasts still prefer the crags to the seaside. The MRCC therefore had Wied Babu to themselves on Sunday, and chose the East side to hide from the sun’s intensity. MRCC members this week were joined by 4 very determined and fearless…

  • More Bolting Work Done on Wied Babu East

    More Bolting Work Done on Wied Babu East

    Despite the heat, the MRCC Bolting Team spent a morning improving the infrastructure of Babu East side crags with the installation of Lower-offs (LOs) and a newly bolted line close to the Leaning Block. Andrew Warrington and Mike Caffrey got an early start and headed into the valley before breakfast, spending until around midday (when…

  • Happy between the sun and the deep blue sea…in Babu Zawn

    Happy between the sun and the deep blue sea…in Babu Zawn

    The MRCC opted to move closer to the sea for last Sunday’s climbing session, in the Wied Babu Zawn area. It is quite a long scramble down under the crags of the West side to finally reach the Zawn, which offers the opportunity for sea level traversing, DWS (some hard lines) and multi-pitch routes, both…

  • MRCC Beginners’ Session attracts new talent!

    MRCC Beginners’ Session attracts new talent!

    On Sunday the MRCC’s April Beginners’ Session took place in Wied Babu to accommodate another group of people who were interested in taking up this great sport. After the Club’s usual morning hard climbing session on the east side of the valley, the afternoon saw the arrival of 19 people, all keen for the personal…

  • Path to Wied Babu crags cleared of fallen logs

    Path to Wied Babu crags cleared of fallen logs

    During one of the recent MRCC climbing sessions, Andrew Warrington and Roland Sultana got down and dirty again to clear the access path to the climbing area in Wied Babu. With the help of new-comer Harald ‘Scissor-hands’ and a useful little chainsaw he brought with him, they cut away the fallen logs from the access…

  • An unprecedented number of climbers gather in Babu

    An unprecedented number of climbers gather in Babu

    Wied Babu was once again the chosen location for last Sunday’s MRCC climbing session – and the members of the MRCC were not the only ones to choose this valley due to the numerous and varied climbing routes it has to offer. The place was teeming with climbers, with at least 5 separate parties at…